
Holwa (Arabic: حالاواة) is a type of dessert. Oil, sesame, walnut kernel, almond kernel, flour and other ingredients are added to the sugar or honey-boiled stew. Cocoa and cocoa powder, raisins, sugars, vanillin, citric acid and others are added to Holva to improve its taste. According to the ingredients, there are varieties of Holva such as Cucumber Holva, Corn Holva, Walnut Holva, Sunflower Holva, Sesame Holva, Peanut Holva, Pashmak Holva. Each type of holva is called vanillin, chocolate, vitaminized and other names, depending on the amount of auxiliary substances added. In the countries of the East, including Central Asia, the profession of carpentry has existed since ancient times. In large shakars, holva-paz are specialized in preparing various holvas using grapes or mulberry molasses, flour, oil, sesame, apricots, etc., and then sugar and sugar.